For Any Organisation or Company Requiring Supply Chain Management Support.
Substantially saving time and cost, while gaining risk and quality management, can be achieved by establishing and utilising a web-based (24/7/anywhere) computerised system for Supply Chain Management.
Components in this customisable product currently include: Project Planning, Purchase Ordering, Shipping Control (Expediting and Logistics), Document Tracking, Supplier and Item Cataloguing, and basic Quality Control.
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Currently for Coal Mining Companies.
Coal mining company compliance with the Australian Coal Mining Safety and Health Act and Regulation is legislated.
Managing this compliance via a web-based (24/7/365/anywhere) computerised system makes this obligation structured, readily available, and timely.
A dedicated system such as this focuses attention on the objective of keeping people safe.
This product has been a joint project between OST Database Group and the Mine Safety Institute of Australia (http://www.minesafetyinstitute.com.au)
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For Any Trade, Organisation or Company Required to Prepare and Deliver Safety and Other Plans.
If as part of your standard delivery you need to generate project-specific safety, quality and environmental plans, an automated system can be invaluable in saving you time, cost and stress.
Such a system can be customised to work with your current documents or revised versions of a third party set of documents.
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For Any Business, Organisation or Department.
All businesses, organisations and government departments in Australia have an obligation to have their electrical equipment tested and tagged regularly.
A system to remind you about items requiring testing and tagging, servicing, maintaining, updating, loaning, and/or returning would be beneficial in terms of compliance and risk management, in reducing stress, and in saving time.
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For Any Group or Organisation with Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Actions.
If you have difficulty finding when and where something was minuted or agreed to by people within your office, organisation or group, MinuteKeeper will assist.
Designed to manage all meeting types within an organisation, MinuteKeeper centralises all meeting information, decisions, actions, and associated documentation.
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For Any Group or Organisation with Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Actions.
Centralize your meeting agendas, minutes, actions, and associated documentation.
Allow attendees and others to schedule meetings, notify attendance, review meeting agenda and minutes, add agenda items, and provide follow-up and feedback on meeting minutes and actions.
For organisations and groups with geographically dispersed meetings, MinuteKeeper (Web) is an excellent management tool.
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