For Club Management (OurClub) - Web Based Database
Makes a Team of your Club's Committee
Currently Under Development
For Club Management is an invaluable tool for every club or association. For Club Management tracks and catalogs everything from outstanding membership payments right through to facility bookings and the minutes of every club meeting.
For Club Management is a complete club management system that:
- Reduces stress on management & committee.
- Reduces information loss & data handling errors.
- Improves efficiency - saves time and effort.
- Improves club information management - eliminates loss of club information.
- Improves club succession processes - reduces hassles for committee changeover.
- Enhances access to club/association information.
- Enhances operations & increases productivity.
- Opens avenues for government funding.
- 24/7/365 Online Access: lets your volunteers and committee members access relevant club information from anywhere in the world with internet connectivity.
- Management & Tracking: of members, facilities, facility bookings, suppliers, financials, documents, meetings and more.
- Calendar: lets you view important dates for facility bookings in an easy to view format.
- Information Retrieval: facilities for you to search, sort and filter your information - for easy access, retrieval and printing.
- Live Planning Documents: allows your club to continually build upon the information that you use in strategic club planning and government grant/funding applications.
- Payments Tracking: lets your club keep track of incoming payments, outgoing payments and budgets.
- Reports: can be printed for all components of the system.
- Customisable: to display your club colours and logo on the interface and on generated reports.
System Requirements
- Computer with Internet browsing capability
- (Optimised for Mozilla Firefox)
Product Brochure
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