Minute Keeper (Web) - Web-based Meeting Management Database
Brings Order to Your Meeting Minutes
Link to Minute Keeper online
MinuteKeeper (Web) is a powerful yet simple to use Meeting Management System designed to provide companies and organisations with the ability to better manage, track and distribute meeting information.
MinuteKeeper (Web):
- Reduces paperwork
- Reduces management stress
- Increases productivity as staff are no longer wasting time fossicking through piles of paperwork trying to find information from previous meetings.
- Decreases time spent on distributing meeting minutes.
Minute Keeper (Web) offers:
- 24/7/365 access, anywhere with Internet connectivity (Internet based systems only).
- Ability to manage meetings, meeting agendas and minutes, actions, meeting templates, attendees and associated documents.
- Ability to transfer actions and agenda items from previous meetings into current or future meetings.
- Ability to view/search minutes, agendas, actions and recipients of previously held meetings.
- Generate reports to PDF format and distribute these reports to recipients via email.
- Ability to manage meeting schedules.
System Requirements
- Computer with Internet browsing capability
- (Optimised for Mozilla Firefox)
Sample Screens
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