For Rental Management - Database Application
Manages Client and Property Rental Details.
The purpose of this database is to assist organisations, groups and individuals in managing their client and property rental details.
The For Rental Management database:
- Enhances compliance and risk management.
- Reduces stress on management and administration.
- Saves time by keeping information in one central location.
Components of the For Rental Management database include:
- Clients - general details, commitments, payments and case notes.
- Properties - general details, reflection of rental detail, maintenance.
- Commitment Preparation - specialised screen for quick preparation of recurring commitments.
- Banking - specialised screen for the preparation and closure of daily/periodic banking.
- Associates - associated contacts and their relevant details.
- Reporting - clients, properties, contacts, rentals (commitments, payments, etc) and banking.
You might wish to commission customisations to For Rental Management so that it can:
- Insert information into compliance documentation.
- Link into email applications.
- Forward maintenance and testing dates to a scheduling software package.
- Link to other financial packages.
- Expand into a larger database system.
System Requirements
- Pentium PC or better (with mouse)
- 256mb RAM or better (depending on your version of Microsoft® Access)
- Super VGA Monitor running at 800x600 resolution and 16 colours or more
- 20mb or more free hard drive space (not including the space required for Microsoft® Office or Microsoft® Access)
- Microsoft® Windows 98 or later
- Microsoft® Access 2000 or later currently (a standalone version of this product can be purchased separately)
Product Brochure
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